Katherine Bailey Hines
Data Analyst
Full Stack Developer

Python Projects

Django Blog

Login and registration with essential fields and data validations. Upon successful login/register, users see an area to create a post as well as prior posts by all users.

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Django Ecommerce

A Craigslist-type ecommerce app with CRUD features. Users add items for sale and can contact other sellers via Inbox. This project includes an experiment with tawk.to.

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Flask Recipe App

This encompasses the capability to Create data (Add to Database), Retrieve data (Fetch information from DB), Update data in the Database, and Delete data from the Database.

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Flask Blog App

The app collects user info, stores it, and displays a dynamic newsfeed. Users log in with ease, greeted with a welcome message, and can post on the newsfeed.

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OOP King of the Jungle Challenge

Project 3 Image
Photo by Francesco on Unsplash

Create a game where objects get created and methods used to determine one winner.

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Web Scraping

Project 4 Image

Python web scraping an archived movie site using Beautiful Soup.

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